El Papá Poderoso de Triples Chapter 56

El Papá Poderoso de Triples Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Anne’s blood ran cold as stuttered, “Wh-why are you… doing this?”


“Why? Because it’s fun! Don’t you think it’s fun? Did you really think I was going to betray my brother for you? How naive!”


Tommy shook his head and sighed.


Anne’s eyes widened in disbelief, her tears scrolling down her cheeks. She had always thought that a gentleman like Tommy could not have been related to Anthony, but it turned out she had been wrong.


They were both sick!


“Oh, my. Are you crying? How pathetic…” Tommy reached out to touch her cheek.


Anne pushed his hand away and kicked at the car door…


“Ow!” The car door slammed onto Tommy and he stumbled backward. His expression darkened viciously as he opened the car door to drag Anne out, raising his hand to slap her across the face. However, before he could land a blow, someone grabbed him by the wrist.


Tommy stilled and turned to look at the person who grabbed him. “Anthony?”


“She’s not yours to torment.” Anthony shoved him aside.


“Are you pushing me away now that I’ve served your needs? Had I not informed you about this, you wouldn’t know that she stole her passport to run away.” Tommy said in frustration.


“It wasn’t necessary!” Anthony glared coldly at Anne, who was trembling by the car door. “Get inside the car.”




Surrounded, Anne had no way to escape and she already knew that she would be tortured, the one thing that upset her most was not that she was cornered, but because she had misjudged Tommy. Had everything been fake? What part of their characters were real?


She had never imagined that Tommy would be the one to ruin her one and only chance to escape.


They went into Anthony’s Rolls Loyce and the car darted off, while Anne curled up at the corner like a broken ragdoll. She felt a hand on her jaw, forcing her to look up and meet Anthony’s brooding eyes.


“Devastated ?” He questioned huskily with a cruel tone. He studied her pale cheeks, his glare sharp enough to cut. “Tommy was right. Had he not told me about this, you would have managed to escape!”


“What makes you…think that I would want to stay by your side?” Anne asked in tears, “I’m not a masochist …




She scowled in pain when his fingers tightened around her jaw.


“You really know how to surprise me.” His voice was so terrifying that each breath he exhaled felt cold on her skin. “Well, how are you going to appease my anger this time, hm?”


Chills ran down her spine as Anne shivered uncontrollably. “I’ll tell you this, so long as I’m still alive …I will never stop running.


Never…” As she spoke , she felt as though her jaw was about to be crushed.


“When you run, have you ever considered that others might have to pay for your mistake?” Anthony threatened.


She froze.


Her aunt was protected by Ron so nothing would happen to her; the only person left would be Anne’s mother…


“You’re a monster, Anthony Marwood…”


“You are only finding out now?” He stared at her ferociously. “Maybe I should get someone to bring her here and toss her into the sewage so you can see what a monster I am!” “No…” Terrified , she grabbed onto his arm with both of her hands. “Don’t do it, Anthony. She has nothing to do with this. You caught me, didn’t you? I can take any punishment!” 1


“So what if you managed to escape today? There are plenty of people out there who can pay for your mistake!”




She sobbed wordlessly, knowing that he was right. If she provoked Anthony, the people she cared most about would be hurt. She would never be at peace if her willfulness had come to hurt her aunt and her mother, Anthony could not help his urge to torment her when he saw the misery on her face.

El Papá Poderoso de Triples novela completa

El Papá Poderoso de Triples novela completa

Score 9.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: January 15, 2023 Native Language: Spanish

El Papá Poderoso de Triples novela completa -

Un hombre extendió la mano para sentir su cuello. Recordó la "marca de amor" que aún tenía un color brillante. No se quitará pronto porque sabía que solamente pasó una noche desde entonces.

La historia sigue a la protagonista, Anne Vallois, que se encuentra en una situación difícil después de tener una aventura de una noche hace dos años y quedar embarazada de trillizos.

Anne Vallois es un personaje principal cuyas experiencias de vida ilustran cómo las mujeres luchan por la vida tratando de equilibrar el trabajo, la familia y las relaciones. Los lectores pueden sentir empatía con ella mientras intenta superar los desafíos de criar sola a tres hijos mientras huye de una relación abusiva.

El Papá Poderoso de Triples novela completa

Cuando Anne descubre que está embarazada de trillizos, su vida cambia para siempre. Sin pareja a su lado y luchando financieramente además de todo lo demás que enfrenta sola, las cosas parecen desesperadas hasta que Lucas Newman entra inesperadamente en sus vidas un día ofreciendo ayuda que otros no podían o no querían dar.

Introducción a los factores clave

"El Papá Poderoso de Triples " se destaca por su retrato de la paternidad, así como por su exploración de la dinámica familiar. El libro muestra las luchas que enfrentan los padres cuando crían a sus hijos solos y al mismo tiempo destaca la importancia de contar con el apoyo de sus seres queridos en tiempos difíciles. De manera similar, profundiza en el dolor y la pérdida de una manera respetuosa y, al mismo tiempo, logra ser conmovedor y edificante en general.


Un tema predominante en "El Papá Poderoso de Triples " es que no importa lo que la vida te depare, puedes superarlo con determinación y apoyo de quienes te rodean. Este mensaje resuena con fuerza en las páginas del libro, lo que lo convierte en el material de lectura perfecto para cualquiera que esté atravesando sus propios desafíos o simplemente esté buscando una lectura inspiradora sobre el amor incondicional.

Además, los temas del libro giran en torno al amor, los vínculos familiares y las responsabilidades, así como el crecimiento personal. Destaca cómo la vida puede cambiar en un instante ante situaciones inesperadas como el embarazo y la maternidad no planificados.

¡Abraza el poder del amor y la perseverancia en "Papá poderoso con bebés trillizos"! Descubra inspiración y fuerza en cada página. ¡Lee ahora!

Parte Final - Conclusión

Para concluir, "El Papá Poderoso de Triples " de Scarlett Avery es un hermoso retrato de cómo son los verdaderos valores familiares incluso en tiempos difíciles. El estilo de escritura del autor logra equilibrar temas más pesados, como el duelo, sin sacrificar momentos conmovedores, lo que facilita a los lectores conectarse emocionalmente con los viajes de estos personajes a través de la paternidad.

Este libro es una lectura obligada para cualquiera que aprecie la importancia de la familia, el amor y la superación de la adversidad. Muestra cómo se pueden encontrar fuerza y ​​resiliencia incluso en los tiempos más oscuros.

Si está buscando una lectura inspiradora que le toque la fibra sensible, definitivamente vale la pena echarle un vistazo a "El Papá Poderoso de Triples " de Scarlett Avery. No te arrepentirás de sumergirte en esta conmovedora historia sobre lo que realmente significa ser padre.


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